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Don't you just love asking or hearing that question; did you get any referrals?

Most sales professionals, business owners and sales managers know in their hearts that this is the easiest kind of lead to close. Did you get any referrals today? If the answer is no, then why not?

Do you know how to get referrals? Are you using a system that you are comfortable using? Is your competition beating you to the next big opportunity by asking for referrals?

Should you incorporate asking for referrals into your customer service training and into the post-sell step of your sales process? Should you send out referral cards along with the monthly invoice-send the message to your customer base that your employees will be asking for referrals, and make it easy for the customers to want to respond. Build it into your Web site. Send out informative newsletters.

How about your company? Did you get any referrals today?

Is ongoing development and reinforcement a part of you or your team’s professional sales development? Should it be? If no, that’s okay. Most people and companies are content learning the lessons on the playing field and that’s fine.

However if you’re one of the exceptional few that would rather get the lessons in the classroom, have a coach, and spend your time in front of prospects closing business instead of getting lessons, then get in touch. Lets talk referrals.

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